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Pure Encapsulations
Curcumin 120's
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Curcumin 120's
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Curcumin 120's
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*Regulates the natural inflammatory response and supports healthy liver, colon, musculoskeletal and cell function Curcumin has a long history of use for maintaining a healthy inflammatory response, via its effects on cyclooxygenase, prostaglandin and leukotriene metabolism. It also appears to maintain healthy cell cycle function and provides important antioxidant defense. Furthermore, it supports the body's natural detoxification system and helps maintain healthy hepatic function. These actions are associated with its beneficial effects, including support for healthy liver, colon, musuloskeletal and cellular function. Curcumin C3 Complex® has been the subject of scientific investigations at a number of hospitals and universities. Most recently, it has demonstrated the potential to maintain healthy tissue in the brain by supporting macrophage activity and has been associated with powerful support for cellular health in separate trials. Curcumin, standardized to contain 95% curcuminoids, provides broad support for maintaining healthy inflammatory response. †Curcumin C3 Complex® is a registered trademark and patented product of Sabinsa Corporation.
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